We are your expert tuners. Whether you need your piano tuned or repaired in your private home, in a a business, on a cruise ship, The Piano Man’s team has a Certified Registered Piano Technician to get the job done right! To experience the fullest possible sound and beauty of your piano, it must be properly tuned.

Depending on how often they are used, pianos generally need to be tuned about every 6-12 months to sound their best.

Why do pianos need tuning?
Your piano needs to be tuned because, it is pulled out of tune by changes in temperature and humidity. As the humidity and temperature change, it alters the sound of the strings. Pianos are more sensitive to humidity changes than most people realize. As little as a 1% change in humidity can cause your piano to slightly shift.

How long does it take?
A standard tuning takes roughly two hours and is conducted on-site. A piano which has gone a long time without tuning may require more time if a pitch raise is necessary.
How often should my piano be tuned?
About every 6-12 months. Also after every move and before ever major performance. The correct frequency of tunings depends upon the piano and climactic conditions around the piano. Private homes are typically every 6-12 months. If the piano is in a commercial building, recording studio, church, or cruise ship tunings will need to be more frequent.

Will my piano require a pitch raise?
If it has been over 1-2 years since the piano has been tuned your piano might require a pitch raise. This will be determined when a piano tuning is being conducted. Generally, once the pitch of a piano falls below 10%, the strings will require moderate to extreme stretching. This makes the string unstable and requires more work to stabilize and fine tune the piano.